
ComfortskateS Skiroller

Our vision has always been to develop a rollerski that can be used to skate three wheels. A unique, revolutionary product has now emerged. The ComfortskateS rollerski says Hello! to all cross-country skiers.
98% similarity to skis
Brake rod
Independent suspension
Particularly suitable for recreational athletes
Adjustable ski flex
Customizable training effect
Technique-based running training
98% similarity to skis

Proven by the Sports University of Cologne, the ComfortskateS ski roller achieves an incredible 98% similarity to cross-country skis. Thanks to the components of individual wheel suspension, flex, and suspension, we achieve our goal: the first three-wheeled ski roller that allows you to skate.

Brake rod

Often, our course participants and customers ask, “How do you even brake a ski roller?!” It’s clear that this question is especially important for beginners, as safety always comes first. But don’t worry, the Fischer ski roller brake, in combination with our specially developed brake block, makes braking with ski rollers a breeze. 95% of our customers choose to buy a brake when purchasing a ComfortskateS ski roller. However, classic braking using the “snowplow technique” is also an option.

Here, we show you the two options:

Independent suspension

The individually and independently suspended wheels provide an authentically genuine cross-country skiing experience. Our ComfortskateS perfectly handles small obstacles. Every athlete customizes their ski roller to suit their individual needs.


The three wheels have a distinct impact on stability. The individually suspended wheels of the ComfortskateS allow for both classic and skating styles. Only our product provides an incredibly smooth and authentic cross-country skiing experience, just like in winter.

Particularly suitable for recreational athletes

The ComfortskateS ski roller offers extremely high stability and balance thanks to its two rear wheels (“cross-country ski width”). This makes it easy for everyone to stand securely on the ski roller and experience the feel of cross-country skiing in the summer. Summer cross-country skiing provides a varied workout, engaging up to 95% of the muscles. Ski rolling is also a great alternative for triathletes to enhance their training. Our promise: with our ComfortskateS ski roller, anyone can learn to ski roll.

Adjustable ski flex

The ComfortskateS ski rollers provide a ski flex just like in winter! An optimally measured cross-country ski, tailored to the individual’s body weight, has a flex zone to allow for the push-off from the ski’s edge, as required by correct technique execution. Our ski roller can do just that, setting itself apart significantly from other models. We are the only ones offering a 1 cm flex zone in the entire ski roller market. This enables optimal technique training even in the summer.

Customizable training effect

By adjusting the front spring, the athlete can customize the stiffness of the ComfortskateS roller ski to their weight. This allows for individual preload and optimizes the push-off, similar to cross-country skiing. The two rear springs influence stability. Depending on the athlete’s skill level, the springs can be set harder for beginners, providing support during balance training.

Technique-based running training

We’ve succeeded in developing an innovative three-wheeled ski roller/roller ski called ComfortskateS. The two rear wheels of the frame enhance stability for the athlete on the roller ski. At the same time, this design achieves a significant similarity to the push-off behavior of cross-country skis.

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ComfortskateS Rollerski: Made in Germany

ComfortskateS rollerski are Made in Germany. The spar, the three individual wheel suspensions, rollers and small parts are assembled by our team by hand. All our suppliers are based in Germany. This makes the rollerskis a special patented product with family flair. Behind the development of the product stand the former professional cross-country skier Hans-Jürgen Siebenäuger as the source of ideas and the designer Holger Armborst. The complete team ComfortskateS was and is involved in the test phase and the further development of the ComfortskateS rollerski. The attention to detail is unmistakable, resulting in the winning of the ISPO Award 16/17. Take a look at our young team and get to know us personally.

Rollerski test winner